Tower Bridge Walkways - The Collection Events

Tower Bridge Walkways

Tower Hill SE1 2UP

Tower Bridge Walkways

The Tower Bridge Walkaways spanning the North and South Towers, the award-winning high-level Walkways offer breathtaking panoramic views of London from 42 metres above the River Thames. The East Walkway offers stunning views of the Docklands, Canary Wharf and Greenwich, with the Tower of London, St. Paul’s Cathedral, The Shard and the City showcased via the West Walkway.

Room Layouts & Capacities

As the sun sets over London and the skyline transforms into a mass of bright city lights, the Walkways become an elegant setting for cocktail receptions, dinners, weddings, Christmas parties and fashion shows.

The distinctive feature in the Walkways is the stunning Glass Floor. The Glass Floor has been installed in the East and West Walkways, each measuring 11.5 metres long and 1.8 metres wide. Consisting of six glass panels weighing approximately 530kg each, the new floor allows guests to experience a world famous Bridge Lift during their reception, from a truly unique viewpoint above the Thames. Bridge Lift times are available here.

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